Community Education & Sensitization
Community Education & Sensitization
What and how are people eating? Is there adequate information on Good nutrition practices? The past years have seen international stakeholders and technical experts work to ensure Food Security focusing on the availability and accessibility dimensions. Yet still there are households that have undernourished children and mothers. A clear evidence that Food security does not always translate to Nutrition Security.
Globally food production is 17% more than it was 30 years ago and according to Food and Agriculture Organizations 2017 reports, there is enough food to feed everyone in the world. Malnutrition in childhood and pregnancy has many adverse consequences for child survival and long-term well-being. It also has far-reaching consequences for human capital, economic productivity and overall regional and national development. UNICEF 2018 data shows that 2 out of five children are stunted in Sub – Saharan Africa as an outcome of poor nutrition, diseases and lack of psychological support.
The consequences of malnutrition should be of a significant concern for policymakers in Kenya, where out of a total under-5 population of 7 million, 26% that is 1.82 million children are suffering from stunting or low height-for-age. In addition, although malnutrition indicators are improving, it is estimated that from 2010–2030 under-nutrition will cost Kenya approximately US$38.3 billion in GDP due to losses in workforce productivity. Considering this FSPN-Africa conducts sensitization programs through women and Youth Groups towards the realization of Food and Nutrition Security at the very grassroots level across